The importance of keeping your cat's ears clean.
Through all the busyness of life, however, certain areas may be accidentally overlooked, such as the health of the cat's ears.
Cats rely on their ears in order to hear the sounds around them. The ears are also important for overall health and well-being. It is important to maintain cleanliness of the ears on a weekly basis.
When examining your cat's ears, make sure that the cat's outer ear has no bald spots. When examining the inner ear, make sure that the inner surface is light pink and clean.
Cleaning your cat's ears
Your furbaby may be a tad squirmy during this time, so it is important to pet them and talk to them in a soothing voice. Grab a vet-recommended liquid ear cleaner, and dab a tiny amount on a cotton ball or a piece of gauze. Gently fold your cat's ear back and wipe debris and earwax from the outer ear. Avoid cleaning the inner ear because it could cause damage and infection. It is best to contact your veterinarian to assist in cleaning the inner ear.