My thoughts on Donald Trump's campaign clusterf*ck.

 We all know that Donald Trump's Presidential run is a massive clusterf*ck waiting to happen. What is even sadder is that people are actually buying the bullsh*t that he is selling to the American people. He has shown a steady climb in the polls and seems to be the GOP frontrunner for a GOP bid.
Unfortunately for us, we continuously have to hear the bile spewing forth from his mouth, and the more he speaks, the more I hate him.

Here are some of highlights of Trump's journey to the White House:
  • This week, Trump stated that he paid Hillary Clinton to attend his wedding. He stated that he "gives to many people, and with Hillary Clinton, she had no choice because he gave."
  • During an interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly, he referred to actress Rosie O'Donnell as a fat pig.
  • Donald Trump's ex wife accused him of raping her during their marriage. Trump declares that no rape took place because they were married. Any sex that happened between then, whether she consented or not, is not rape. *This had me steaming mad because sex that is not consentual IS RAPE, even if the tragedy happened in a marriage.*
  • Perhaps the silliest thing that I've ever heard of, Trump declared that he is "disgusted by breast milk."
  • Last month, Donald Trump banned an Iowan newpaper from an event for being mean to him. Perhaps Trump cannot take what he dishes out. Sorry Trump, the first step to recovery is admitting that you're a colossal a$$hole.
  • Not only is Trump a hater of the Latino/Latina communities, he is also not a fan of the African-American community. Oh Don, why couldn't your mother have swallowed instead of having vanilla sex with your pops.
  • Last month, Trump celebrated America by flashing a photo of Nazi troops. As someone who has a relative who was killed by a Nazi during WWII, I am disgusted by this. Of course, I'm disgusted by Trump's very existence, but, anyone who supports Nazis is a piece of sh*t.
  • Delusional Donald Trump stated last month that he will win the Latino vote come election time. Really, Don!? After everything that you said about the Latino community, you still think you can win them over? F*ck you! Get some f*cking help you racist jerk! What makes me question the mental state of humanity is that actress America Ferrera is standing by his side. Girl, where is your brain? Why are you standing by a racist's side? Don't you understand that he is spoonfeeding you lies?
Those are some of the biggest highlights of Trump's race to the White House. Of course, there are more examples of his character that I could share, but, it's too early for me to get drunk enough to stomach them.
I've already vowed to move to another country if this clusterf*ck is elected President.

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