Meet Bear: The "porn-sniffing" dog that busted Jared Fogle!

Subway's Jared Fogle, once famous for losing weight on the Subway diet, is now infamous for being a pervert. He was suspected of being in possession of child porn, so police went to search out his house.
They brought along Bear, a two year old black lab who has the ability to sniff out electronics that contain illicit material.
The dog's handler, Todd Jordan, told reporters that it only took four months to train Bear to sniff out electronics for illicit material. In Fogle's case, there was enough evidence to bring Fogle down. Fogle plead guilty to "unlawful sexual acts with minors and possession of child pornography."

My Two Cents:

At this point I would make a sarcastic comment or a low-brow joke about Fogle's love for getting into smaller pants but, I can't for the life of me understand how a dog can sniff out electronics that contain porn. I mean, it's great that someone has trained dogs to do that, but, what does the training look like? Do guys just sit around with dogs watching porn? What does an electronic with porn on it smell like? Lotion and shame?

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