Woman loses her mind after seeing pentagram in school bus brake lights

photo credit: 11alive

The following news story is rather old, but it is still generating a lot of buzz.

A Tennessee mom is outraged because she claims she saw a "satanic" symbol inside a bus's brake lights. She said that the upside down pentagram was appalling and offensive to her Christian beliefs.
“Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged. If you can’t put a cross on there, you can’t put a pentagram on it."
She then pointed out Walgreen's controversy about selling wrapping papers with what appeared to be swastikas.
“Would we allow a swastika, for instance, to be on the back of the bus?”
Walgreens pulled the wrapping paper off the shelves and apologized for the offensive symbol.

A woman who is a self-proclaimed Wiccan was interviewed about the "satanic" symbol in the brake lights. She did acknowledge that the symbol looked like a pentagram. However, she states that the pentagram was the symbol for her faith.
“Wiccans… we believe in God, we believe in Jesus, but we don’t call him God. Find out what it really means before you start getting riled up and all worked up about something.”
She believes that the fuss is all for nothing. She wants people to find out whether or not the symbol was intentional. The school district has not commented publicly on the bus's brake lights.

My Two Cents:
Guys, I don't know where to start with this story. When I first heard about this, I thought the woman was seriously delusional. After looking at the brake lights, I realized that it does look like a pentagram. I began laughing at the whole situation because it is just so random. I can imagine this woman holding her hand over her heart, begging for God to protect her against the evil brake lights. "Oh Lawd Jeebus, save me from evil brake lights. Satan's out to get me, wahhhh!"

Folks, I want to school you in a little Wicca 101. Wicca is not a satanic religion. It is a nature-based religion that believes in doing good. There are some sects of Wicca that do indulge in black magick, but that does not mean that all Wiccans are out for blood. The Wiccan rede is "An ye harm none, do as ye will." Wiccans believe in the rule of 3: "What ever you put out, you get back times 3." I know all of this because I studied Wicca when I was in middle school and high school. I studied both the good and bad aspects of it. While I did realize that it wasn't for me, I still have great respect and love for those who practice Wicca in a positive light.

As far as the brakes are concerned, I'm sure that was just a random sighting. Here in Connecticut, I've looked for the symbol and have not seen it. I believe the woman was overreacting. I don't believe the bus was Satan's ride. I don't think the children on there were possessed and made to be "Satan's little b*tches." It is just a regular school bus, with a normal bus driver, taking normal kids to a normal school. There is nothing wrong with the bus. The woman needs to take some xanax.
Folks, what do you think about this story? Does the woman have merit in freaking out? Or is she overreacting? Let me know in the comments below.

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