Mike Huckabee wants us to stop f*cking swearing
photo credit: lyricallywaxing
Presidential hopeful/conservative b*tch Mike Huckabee believes that we swear way too f*cking much.
On a conservative talk show, Huckabee talked about his disdain toward the F-word (which happens to be my swear word drug of choice).
"In Iowa, you would not have people who would just throw the f-bomb and use gratuitous profanity in a professional setting. In New York, not only do the men do it, but the women do it!"
Oh my f*cking God! We women say the f-word. That's it, we're going to hell!
Huckabee wasn't done there:
"This would be considered totally inappropriate to say these things in front of a woman, but for a woman to say them in a professional setting, that's just trashy!"
Folks, Mike Huckabee is another conserva-troll that wants women to be silent and spend their days in the kitchen. We aren't allowed to have a voice. We aren't allowed to swear. We aren't allowed to do anything, except squeeze out babies.
F*ck that!
While I do understand that swearing in a professional setting is a little low-brow, sometimes you just have to let one rip. Life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, the only way you can vent your frustrations is to spew forth the F word 20-30 times in a row.
If Mike Huckabee wins the 2016 election, or if any of his fellow tea-baggers and conserva-trolls win, I may have to spew forth a plethora of f-bombs, because, well...we will be f*cked.
A big f*ck you to those who have a problem with women f*cking swearing.