Can the "Long Island Medium" actually talk to ghosts? Magic 8 ball says....
Get ready to have your pants blown off...
According to my favorite site, Jezebel, and famed "whistle-blower" Ron Tebo, she really can't talk to the "other side."
Tebo interviewed several of Theresa Caputo's clients for a year, and he found out that Caputo had her employees do background checks on her clients, she asked her clients vague questions, and tricked her clients during her readings. The term "cold reading" has been used to describe her readings.
(Cold reading is basically a lot of lucky guesses that are used by picking up on signals from the cold reader's clients)
Cold readers (or most TV mediums) extort you during your time of grief (I use the word extort because they do use force to gain your money). They mind-trick you by making you think that they are talking with your loved ones on the "other side."
Folks, I used to be heavily interested in all the occult stuff. I realized it wasn't for me. As for speaking to the dead, I'm not really sure if that is even possible. Heck, I tried writing a letter to my cat, "Baby," whom we put to sleep a few years back, and she never responded. (It was a chain letter)
I know, bad joke.
Anyways, IF Theresa Caputo is a cold reader and is extorting money from grieving folks to keep her up to her chin in hairspray, I feel that she has no soul, and she is a disgusting person. Anyone who takes advantage of those whom are grieving are evil monsters.
I don't believe in psychics, mediums, ouija boards, tarots, palm readings, etc. They mainly say the same thing and most are scams. I won't judge anyone to their face if they believe in those things, as long as they respect my beliefs. However, if someone is manipulating someone who is grieving, or is in a precarious situation, I won't stay quiet, especially if the person being taken advantage of is a friend or family member.