The American Standard Toilet Commercial: Clogging up a toilet after a one night stand.
A friend of mine shared this commercial on her Facebook timeline this morning and, of course, I watched it. It's about a man and woman who had a one night stand at the guy's house. The guy wakes the woman to tell her that he's going to work and that she can take her time getting up. Also that the door will lock behind her as she leaves. He kisses her and leaves. She lays down for a bit. After a while, she gets up, showers, "brushes" her teeth, and gets dressed. As she is looking in the mirror, she gets the urge to poop. She looks at the toilet and wonders if she should really poop in his house or hold it until she gets to her house or work. She decides to fire her torpedoes right then and there. She finishes up, flushes the toilet, and goes to wash her hands. Suddenly, the toilet begins to overflow. The woman begins to panic. She tries everything in her power to contain the flood. Eventually, she stops the flood, but, her poo is still in the toilet. She grabs...