Actress trashes Ex-Husband in Memoir, then talks about illness.
Actress/Author/Restaurant Owner/Celiac community leader/etc Jennifer Esposito has been generating a lot of buzz as of late, for discussing her short-lived marriage to A-list actor Bradley Cooper in her memoir, "Jennifer's Way." She stated that he was a "master manipulator."
She said that she did notice warning signs in the beginning (of the relationship), but she didn't think the relationship would go anywhere. She enjoyed his sense of humor, despite not finding him attractive (you know that's a lie. He's one of the most attractive men in Hollywood).
This sent readers into a firestorm. While few people DID side with Esposito, others called her "bitter," "jilted," and "jealous (of his success)."
Most of Esposito's memoir focused on her diagnosis of Celiac disease, an inherited, life-long, auto-immune disease in which the sufferer cannot eat wheat, gluten, barley, rye, or oats. If someone with Celiac disease ingests those items, they suffer life-threatening illnesses (I, too, have Celiac disease. I was diagnosed via blood test and biopsy in 2011 and 2012, respectively).
Esposito is well-known for being passionate and out-spoken about Celiac disease and she has gained a reputation for being a little bit of a "Debby-downer" about the disease. Yes, everyone understands the severity of the disease. Yes, everyone understand that Celiacs have to be strictly gluten free. But, you do not gain brownie points by making people feel sorry for you.
When all you do is focus on the negativity, no one wants anything to do with you. I have Celiac disease, and have some nasty complications from it, but, I don't spend my time in a Debby-downer stupor. I put a smile on my face and live my life. I think happy thoughts and am grateful for what is available to me. Stop b*tching and be thankful for what you have.
Anyways, I digress. Back to her ex woes.
Ladies, we all have been in Esposito's shoes. We have that ex who rubs us the wrong way. But, as we grow up and mature, we realize that there are more important things in life than flinging mud toward our exes in public. Perhaps Ms. Esposito isn't over Mr. Cooper as much as she thinks she is.
Perhaps she is jealous of his success (I think it is possible. We haven't really seen her in any blockbusters, am I right?)
Esposito really makes females look bad when she plays the crazy ex wife, b*tching about ex husband role. This is why dudes become d*uchebags!
My thoughts on the whole shebang: Well, I don't have much respect for Ms. Esposito. I don't have much respect for anyone who eats sour grapes and focuses on the negative aspects of life. If she wants to grow and mature in life, she needs to make peace with what ever ailed her in her past, including Bradley Cooper (if what ever she said about him is true).
In reference to the Celiac disease, I know where she is coming from, but, she has had the disease long enough to know that there is nothing that she can do except to suck it up and live with it. People have had this disease for decades, and there is much more food available to us now than ever before.
Also, if people make jokes about the gluten free lifestyle, they aren't making them toward Celiacs. They are making fun of those who follow the fad (I only mention this because she complains about it on her Twitter feed).