A GOP Rep's Nonsense, Anal Sex, One Way Alleys, and Garbage Trucks.

Yeah. You read that right. Right-winger Steve Hickey decided to wage a war against homosexuality by penning a letter to a local newspaper, asking medical experts to weigh in on how (homosexual) anal sex is "damaging to the human body." (These homophobes need a hobby).

Hickey elegantly titled his letter "A One Way Alley For The Garbage Truck."

Classy, eh?

 He elaborated on his title by saying the following:
"Pardon a crude comparison but regarding men with men, we are talking about a one-way alley meant only for the garbage truck to go down."

Here is a part of a letter where he blames homosexuality for the downfall of civilization. (Really?!) He then attacks the trans community and says that they are "suffering from a mental disorder" and they should be "shunned from society."

I have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender friends, whom I love and consider to be family. I find it very unsettling when they are cut down by conservative, bigoted halfwits like Steve Hickey. When I hear stories like this, I will come out, verbal guns a-blazin, and stick up for my friends.

As far as blaming homosexuality for the downfall of civilization, I think Hickey and people like Hickey need to look in the mirror for the person to blame for the fall of civilization. You hate-mongers are the ones who make society unlivable and full of negative energy. All of these teenagers who are afraid to 'come out' to their friends and family are committing suicide at alarming rates. They think that loving someone of the same sex is going to get them ostracized from the people they love, or maybe even killed.

As far as Hickey's views of the transgendered community, he needs to read up on the community. I will be the first to admit, I wasn't the most understanding person in terms of accepting the trans community. But, when I met a childhood friend's partner years ago, who happened to be trans, I began to learn a lot about the trans community. I did some research on my own, and I continue to learn (I'm actually going to start reading a book by Janet Mock soon. I been seeing a lot of things by her on Twitter, and it's gotten me a little curious about her story). 

Anyways, I digress.
Mr. Hickey,
Everything that you've said is utter nonsense. Homosexuality is not the reason for the fall of civilization. Ignorance is. Anal sex isn't damaging to the human body and spirit. Ignorance is. See where I'm going with all of this?
An advocate for the GLBTQ community

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