40-Year-Old Man Sues Parents for Throwing Out His Massive Porn Collection.

A man in Indiana has decided to sue his parents for throwing out 12 boxes worth of porn. It is estimated that $29,000 worth of porn was tossed.
He noticed something was up (no pun intended) when he sent for his things after moving out 10 months prior, and the 12 boxes were missing.

When he found out, he was outraged. He filed a complaint with local police, but the local prosecutor declined to press charges. In the lawsuit was an email from the man's father, which said:
"I did you a big favor by getting rid of all this stuff."

The man is asking for triple financial damages in the amount of $87,000 (probably to buy more porn).

In the 12 boxes were over 400 VHS tapes and over 1,600 DVDs.

And I thought my rock collection as a kid was weird...
Can you imagine how bad homeboy's carpal tunnel is?

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