Can babies dream in the womb?

When you become pregnant for the first time, you will undoubtedly have a lot of questions. Some of the questions may consist of: "Can my baby hear me if I sing to him/her," "Does my baby taste what I eat," and Can my baby dream while in the womb?" I have to tell you, as a first time mom to be, I had all three questions.
The one that I researched the most is "Can babies dream in the womb?"

Well, from what I been able to find, they can. Babies in the womb spend most of their time sleeping, alternating between REM and non-REM sleep.

Those of you who believe in mysticism may have heard of a New Age therapy technique called "rebirthing." This technique allows people to recall dreams they had inside the womb.

Babies might dream about the various shades of light that passes through mommy's belly. Babies may even be able to follow the light that shines on mommy's tummy, so babies might dream about that light. They may also dream about their mommy and daddy's voice, music, and any other sounds they can hear from inside the womb.

Knowing all of this, it makes me want to create an even better environment for my growing son. No nightmares for my baby boy! No "Rock a bye baby" for my kid. Hey, why is that even a nursery song anyways? That song is just plain terrifying!

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