Pregnancy: Being sick while pregnant

Photo Credit: todaysparent
It's inevitable. As we approach cold and flu season, we are all at risk of getting sick. When you're pregnant, the common cold can seem like the worst illness in the world. Why are we so susceptible to getting sick while pregnant? Well, it is because our immune system is busy caring for our little one. During pregnancy, our immune system weakens since it is so busy trying to protect both ourselves and our baby.

For the past few days, I had been feeling "under the weather." As a first time mom-to-be, I was terrified that something was wrong with my baby. I left work early on Monday and went to Urgent Care. They couldn't help me (by the way, don't ever go to urgent care while pregnant. They don't take you seriously). I took Tuesday off so I could go to the doctor. My doctor told me that I had a bad case of viral bronchitis, and since I cannot take anything due to being pregnant, I was placed on bedrest for the next week. My baby is okay, thank God, but I need extra rest to make sure my baby stays healthy.
Ladies, when it comes to being pregnant, sick, and working full-time, know your rights. Your employer cannot legally fire you if you have proper documentation proving you're pregnant, sick, etc. I just needed to put that out there.

I have been trying to figure out how I caught viral bronchitis, and my doctor thinks I caught it Friday, the day my pregnancy was confirmed. Go figure, eh? LOL!
Not being able to take anything for bronchitis is pretty much torture, LOL. Coughing hurts, breathing hurts, my headache sucks, and I'm very weak. I remain in bed because I'm not just doing this for myself. I'm doing this for my baby. If I am ordered to rest, by golly, I will rest!

Going forward, I am going to be extra careful. I will wash my hands frequently, I will use hand sanitizer, I will eat better, I will drink more fluids, and I will make sure I get adequate rest. Next month, I will be getting my flu shot (yes it is safe and encouraged during pregnancy).

I encourage all of you to take extra care of yourselves as your little one continues to grow inside you. The minute you feel sick, call your doctor ASAP. Do not take anything until you see your doctor.

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