Disney dumps Netflix for own streaming service.

Photo Credit: theweek
On Tuesday, Disney announced that it will be removing all of their movies on Netflix, in order to launch their own "Disney-branding streaming service."

Beginning in 2019, Disney will launch a streaming service, and it will be the exclusive home of all Disney and Pixar films. Along with Disney and Pixar films, the streaming service will also be launching an ESPN-branded sports streaming service, which will be made available in 2018. The service will feature MLB, NHL, MLS, Tennis, and college sports.

The streaming service will be powered by a digital media company called BAMTech.

Chief Bob Iger from Disney released a statement about the new streaming services:
"The media landscape is increasingly defined by direct relationships between content creators and consumers, and our control of BAMTech’s full array of innovative technology will give us the power to forge those connections, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to shifts in the market. This acquisition and the launch of our direct-to-consumer services mark an entirely new growth strategy for the company, one that takes advantage of the incredible opportunity that changing technology provides us to leverage the strength of our great brands."

My Two Cents

I dug deep into this story and I found out that Disney will be charging $39.99 a month for the streaming service. $39.99!? I find this to be an outrageous charge. I love Disney films as much as the next person, but not enough to pay a week's worth of gas for it.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

If Disney dropped the price to $19.99 a month, I think most people would find that to be feasible, as long as the price included the sports streaming service as well.

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