Countdown to Election Day: My Two Cents
Photo Credit: hankewitz |
Along with millions of people, this terrifies the hell out of me. As a woman, I feel that a Trump leadership would set us back about 100+ years. Trump voters want him to overturn Roe VS. Wade, and they want Trump to overturn a woman's right to vote.
Not only do I feel terrified as a woman, I feel terrified as a chronically ill and disabled woman. I am low-income and am on state insurance. Trump wants to overturn these programs that people like me need in order to survive. I have been struggling with auto-immune illnesses for years, and I need medication in order to stay in check. Also, I'm disabled. I developed a spinal condition in 2013, and I had surgery to fix it in 2014. That surgery failed. Discs up and down my spine are continuing to deteriorate. This year I learned I had early Osteoporosis. Mind you, I'm turning 34 in December. I'm too young for this sh*t If I fall, I am at a very high risk of breaking my spine, making my condition worse or even fatal. One false move, and it's over for me.
Despite all of this, I try my damnedest to do normal things. Laundry is a chore for me, along with cooking, cleaning, and sometimes showering. I'm in moderate-to-severe pain everyday. Sometimes it's to the point where I can't walk. I try to be a happy person. I like to laugh and I try to inspire others to find the good in even the most difficult situations. On the bad days, it's hard to see any joy in life. This is the time when we need someone to take us by the hand and give us some hope.
For Trump to have such a low opinion of people who are sick and disabled, it sickens me to the core of my being. I want a leader who will be an advocate for people like me. We didn't ask for this to happen to us. We just want compassion and understanding. We want hope.
Trump also has utter disdain for anyone who isn't white. He hates Mexicans, African-Americans, Middle-Eastern individuals, Hispanic individuals, and more. He wants to build a wall to keep all Mexicans and Middle-Eastern individuals out. He wants to wage a huge war against Middle-Eastern Americans. This guy also hates Canada. The most laughable of all is that he wants to build a wall across the American-Canadian border. I mean, Canada is one of the most peaceful and beautiful countries in the world. What the hell did they do to piss off the orange monster? Trump is a hateful and pathetic puke. The fact that he is in the lead right now scares the sh*t out of me (and it should scare YOU too!).
Hillary isn't much of a peach herself. She is surrounded by controversy. I know I said I was with her, but now I'm not so sure. I may have to go with my back-up plan and vote for Jill Stein. She seems to have a much better spirit than the two of them combined.
Readers, take this last week to think long and hard about who you want in office. Do you want an advocate that stands for every issue you believe in? Do you want someone who hates everyone who isn't him? Do you want someone who is surrounded by controversy?
Do you want someone who is going to take away programs that your wife, daughter, son, grandmother, husband, grandfather, etc desperately rely on?
It is up to us now. Make the right choice. This election could make or break our already faltered country. Don't just think about yourself when you cast your vote. Think of your family members, your friends (and their family members), your co-workers, your neighbors, etc. Will your vote take away programs they rely on? Will it take away their rights?
Be mindful on November 8th.