Massachusetts woman arrested after drugs fall out of her prosthetic butt
photo credit: ebay (Canada)
"Oh my gawd, Becky, look at her butt. It is sooo big. She looks like one of those rap star's girlfriends."In tonight's edition of stupid criminals, we have a woman from Massachusetts who was pulled after cops spotted her swerving over the double yellow lines.
Cops pulled over 32 year old Jill Roy, and did their questioning as usual. Suddenly, a bag containing pills and straws fell out of her pant leg. They asked her to get out of the car, and they proceeded to pat her down. The officer noticed that her ass was a bit harder than normal. When the officer inquired about it, Roy told the officer: "I don't have a butt so I wear these and another pair of underwear under it." The officer then told her to take off the exterior underwear. After removing the exterior underwear, the officer noticed that there was a bulge in the other pair of underwear. The underwear was removed and the cops retrieved 2 bags that contained 13 Oxycodone and $350 of heroin. Also retrieved from the woman's possession was an ounce of weed.
Of course the cops arrested her. The woman was also on probation for drug possession.
I've heard of people smuggling drugs inside their ass via a balloon bag. I've heard of people smuggling drugs in their cooch. I've never heard of people smuggling drugs inside an ass enhancer.
About these prosthetic asses... Now, I know that some of us weren't blessed with a Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce ass, but buying a prosthetic ass seems pretty ridiculous. I'm perfectly content with my flat ass. Women, we need to be proud with what we have. It's not the size of our asses that matter, it's what we do with them that matters.
My ass usually talks shit.
Anyways, I think if she wanted to be stealthier with her drugs, she should invest in a boob enhancing bra. Drugs probably won't fall out of there.
You know I have to post this: