Remembering the iconic Alan Thicke 1947-2016
Photo Credit: thewrap A few days ago, news broke that one of the most beloved TV dads ever had suddenly passed away. Alan Thicke, who played Dr. Jason Seaver on hit 80s TV show Growing Pains, was playing hockey with his son when he suffered a heart attack. He was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. He was 69. The news of his sudden death sent shockwaves across the world. Millions of Thicke's fans tweeted and messaged their condolences and absolute shock regarding his death. Thicke's TV wife and TV kids expressed their sadness that their TV dad had died. Kirk Cameron, who played Mike Seaver on Growing Pains said this about the news: "I spent Monday through Friday for seven important years with Alan Thicke as my 'TV dad.' I'm shocked and truly heartbroken today at the news of his death. Alan was a generous, kind and loving man. I am so blessed to have grown up with him. Chelsea and I send our love and prayers to his family tonight. W...